Pherotools Dolomite Fertilizer, 1kg Repack

Sale priceRM1.99 MYR


Dolomite corrects soil acidity efficiently. Comes in fine particles, improving soil penetration and efficacy. It provides essential nutrients of Calcium and Magnesium and is easy to apply.



1. The exact amount of lime required depends on the pH of the soil. If you don’t have soil test results, it is generally safe to apply lime at a ratio of 250 mL (1 cup) for each 15 square meters (50 square feet) of garden. To lime your garden, sprinkle the lime evenly over a dry, rather than wet, garden plot. Rake the lime into the soil, mixing it in as deep as possible. By spring, the soil will be ready for growing vegetables.

2. For a pot plants, takes 3 tablespoon (1 handful) of dolomite and sprinkle it evenly on top of the soil.

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